Human Rights & Public Liberties

Human Rights & Public Liberties

Published on: 13 Jan, 2021

The Swedish question: Immigrants and their children’s dilemma 5

Published on: 3 October, 2022
Muslim immigrant families in Sweden protesting against state social services for allegedly unjustly taking their children from their homes.

Muslim immigrant families in Sweden protesting against state social services for allegedly unjustly taking their children from their homes.

” I want to reiterate that the Swedish Social Services always put the safety and wellbeing of the child first. However, in the event of having your child taken away from you, It is very important to do your best to produce evidence that can refute the allegations of social services. For instance, in the event that the social services claim that the parents are negligent and do not take care of their  child, the family can present the child’s medical reports through its medical clinic, or the school nurse in order to rebut the social’s allegations, also, the family can bring a letter from sports, artistic or cultural clubs revealing that their child participates in some positive activities on a daily or weekly basis. In addition to that, they can bring photos & videos of fun- trips and vacations the family has enjoyed with their child. I do recommend that the concerned family should seek legal help. A good lawyer would be always necessary,” The Swedish official told Aljazeera.
