Human Rights & Public Liberties

Human Rights & Public Liberties

Published on: 13 Jan, 2021

The Swedish question: Immigrants and their children’s dilemma 2

Published on: 27 September, 2022
Muslim immigrant families in Sweden protesting against state social services for allegedly unjustly taking their children from their homes.

Muslim immigrant families in Sweden protesting against state social services for allegedly unjustly taking their children from their homes.

Anxious, mentally and psychologically stressed, Fatima Samlol told Aljazeera “My son went out to play in the public park, but he never came back. Yes, he was taken by the Swedish authorities…”

Aljazeera asked Fatima” Do you know where is your son right now?”

“The Swedish authorities place children in a social care institution until they are transferred to a new family,” she replied, then added, “my health has deteriorated very much since the authorities took my son away from me, sleeping for me has become very difficult … I am currently taking sleeping pills.”

The Swedish law and regulations on minors give the social services the right to take children from their parents if investigations prove that they are not qualified to take care of them, or if the parents abuse their children.
