“In Sweden, we had a good time for a short while. Then in one of the darkest winters, I have ever witnessed, I lost my son,” Fatima Samlol, a Somali refugee, told Aljazeera.
Samlol added that “the Swedish Social Services Authority was unfair in its decision to snatch my son, to deprive me of him. My unwelcoming neighbor, who showed hatred towards immigrants, told the authorities that my husband and I keep beating our son. Not true… I swear to God neither me nor my husband did beat our son.”
A Swedish official told Aljazeera that “the narrative of having misunderstanding between families and the social affairs is not new in Sweden, as is the case with most European countries that are signatories to UN convention on the Rights of the Child.”
Samlol stressed to Al Jazeera that “immigrants, specifically Muslim families are targeted. The authority doesn’t approve of our way of living …. We are Muslims, and we want to bring up our children as Muslims.”
The Swedish official reiterates to Aljazeera that “protecting children is not limited to immigrant families, but also includes families from all classes and groups of Swedish society who have been proven to mistreat their children”.
The clash between religions, values and traditions seems fierce in Sweden…