The territory is split between Pakistan and India but is claimed by both in its entirety …
More than 100 people were killed SAT when gunmen attacked two villages in Tillaberi, a region bordering Mali.
Palestinian Authority police arrested Sama Abdulhadi, 30, on December 27, the day after she performed at Nebi Mussa.
Likely to kill himself if held under harsh U.S. prison conditions.
Iran hanged two men on Sunday for “terrorist acts” and another for murder and armed robbery, the judiciary’s official Mizan Online news agency said.
The mission had 15,000 troops when it started and, with gradual withdrawal since 2017, now has about 4,000 troops.
In 2008, Shihab was imprisoned for inciting violence.
Farmer unions said that they found the contents of the invite “vague”, claiming the government was being clever with words and that the letter did ..
About 20 Uighurs with Turkish citizenship picketed China’s consulate in Istanbul after the Chinese parliament ratified the 2017 treaty on Saturday.
Mapuche Women Continue To Thread.
A group of Rohingya refugees (between 700 and 1,000 people) will be transported to the Bhashan Char island from Chittagong.
The UN and NGOs have warned that financial insecurity caused by COVID-19 could lead to a dramatic rise in child marriage.