Human Rights & Public Liberties

Human Rights & Public Liberties

Published on: 13 Jan, 2021

Colombia/Displaced by violence

Published on: 26 April, 2021
Colombian families displaced by the violence/Aljazeera.

Colombian families displaced by the violence/Aljazeera.

Colombia/Displaced by violence

A decade after the signing of a landmark land restitution law in Colombia, returning displaced families to their land remains an uphill battle. Just 10% of the land has been assigned and few projects have been established to guarantee returning families a livelihood in the conflict-scarred territory. Al Jazeera travels to the Amazonian region of Putumayo, where promising pepper crops could become a viable alternative to former coca-growing families displaced by the violence. But with new armed groups operating in the area, and rickety political will from the government, the future remains uncertain.