Human Rights & Public Liberties

Human Rights & Public Liberties

Published on: 13 Jan, 2021

U.S. rivers

Published on: 18 April, 2023
Nationwide, two-thirds of the water in the U.S. comes from rivers/Aljazeera.

Nationwide, two-thirds of the water in the U.S. comes from rivers/Aljazeera.

The 2023 list of America’s most endangered rivers is announced by American Rivers, a U.S.-based policy and advocacy organisation.

This report spotlights climate change impacts and environmental injustice with specific solutions public officials can take to safeguard rivers that are vital to clean water, community health, the economy, plant, and animal species, and irrigation for agriculture.

Nationwide, two-thirds of the water in the U.S. comes from rivers.

Rural and urban areas depend on rivers for clean drinking water, food production, economic vitality, and cultural connection.

Among the most endangered and considered the most polluted in the U.S. is the 1579km / 981-mile Ohio River.

The watershed covers more than 518,000 square km / 200,000 square miles. The river winds through West Virginia,
Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois before converging with the Mississippi River.
