Human Rights & Public Liberties

Human Rights & Public Liberties

Published on: 13 Jan, 2021

The International Court of Justice on Israel

Published on: 19 February, 2024

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) holds public hearings on “consequences of Israel’s occupation” in order to allow parties to give their views on the legal consequences of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territories before eventually issuing a non-binding legal opinion.

The court’s assessment will not address the current situation and exclusively address the issue of the Israeli occupation as the request for these hearings was made before October 7, 2023.

The court was asked by UNGA resolution in Dec 2022 to give an advisory opinion on the legal consequences of ongoing violations by Israel of the right of Palestinian self-determination.

Fifty-two States and three international organizations have expressed their intention to participate in the oral proceedings before the Court.
