While the government defends the law as a necessary measure to ensure national security and prevent the spread of harmful content, human rights groups and ..
This reform is not only a victory for the workers directly involved but also sends a powerful message about the future of labor rights in ..
The press conference will feature speakers from Gaza and Britain, offering an exclusive look behind the Israeli-imposed media blackout in the northern strip.
Nairobi Women’s Hospital says its gender-based violence recovery centres are reporting 4000 cases a month.
The origins of international criminal justice can be traced back to the aftermath of World War II, which left behind a legacy of unprecedented atrocities ..
UNESCO’s mission, led by Pikkat, is centered on the protection and preservation of cultural heritage, even amid armed conflict, as these assets form an essential ..
UNICEF says that at least 13 million children in Sudan are out of school due to the violence and displacement, and nearly half of them ..