Today, Thursday. Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly for the Announcement of Voluntary Contributions to UNRWA is hosted by member states of the United Nations; to pledge political and financial support.
This year’s pledging conference comes as UNRWA faces yet again another dire financial crisis.
Of the US $ 817 million required as a core budget for critical services such as education, health and social protection, the Agency has received US $ 313 million.
The financial uncertainty is exacerbated by a potential break-in in mid-November in its Gaza food pipeline, which provides over one million refugees with half of their calorie needs, funded by the UNRWA emergency appeal.
” UNRWA is looking to the UN Member States to solve the Agency’s funding situation that is currently unpredictable and unsustainable to avoid recurrent funding crises,” UNRWA said.
In May, UNRWA had to take out a short-term loan to pay its 30,000 teachers, doctors, sanitation workers and social workers.
Aljazeera/ UNRWA.