UN human rights experts said today that the magnitudes of the Russian military outbreak on the protection and advancement of human rights in Ukraine will be weighty and long-lasting and will cause enormous distress and irreparable harm through human rights and humanitarian law violations, forced displacement of civilians and environmental devastation. https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=28170&LangID=E
The experts added that the magnitudes will last for a long period of time. “We are collectively outraged and distressed by the Russian Federation’s aggression on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. The use of force by one State against another is fundamentally unacceptable and strikes at the very heart of the object and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations. The consequences of this military attack on the protection and promotion of human rights in Ukraine will be profound and long-lasting and will cause immense suffering and irreparable harm through human rights and humanitarian law violations, forced displacement of civilians and environmental destruction. The consequences will last for generations.”
United Nations Human Rights.
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